
Category Archive: Articles, Videos

How to Breathe When You’re Trapped on the Bottom in BJJ & Getting Crushed

How do you breathe when you’re being crushed on the bottom? Like if you’re on the bottom and you’re just getting smashed and you can’t breathe, so how do you do it? Stephen...

How To Pull Guard into a Leglock Rousimar Palhares Style

GSP’s coach, Firas Zahabi, shows us how to aggressively pull guard to immediately attack a foot lock, Rousimar Palhares style:   Love him or hate him Rousimar is an effective grappler. I...

Roger Gracie’s Game Changing Detail in Armbar Set Up

The 3 time absolute world champion at black belt Roger Gracie has been retired since last year, when he capped off his amazing career with a submission win in a superfight on his biggest rival,...

The Art Of Muay Thai Clinch Takedowns, Foot Sweeps and Trips

In boxing, fighters are separated when they clinch; in The Thai striking art of Muay Thai, it is allowed. They launch strikes from there and also wrestle to set up foot sweeps or trips. If you ever...

Clark Gracie Teaches the ‘Handsomeplata’ From Leg Lasso

Clark Gracie shows his setup to his ‘Handsomeplata’ aka omoplata from leg lasso and how he finishes. 2014 lbc world jiu jitsu expo. It’s really cool to see BJJ legend Rodrigo...

Learn The Defense to the Seoi Nage for BJJ or Judo

2x Olympic Bronze Medalist Israel Hernandez showing some awesome counters to the popular seoi nage and drop seoi. Excellent options for both BJJ and Judo.   Here is also a video on how to...

Top 5 Jiu-Jitsu Injuries (& How To Roll With Them!)

Injuries are the best or worst thing that can happen to your jiu-jitsu; it all depends on how you roll with them! In this much needed video, Rener Gracie and Alex Ueda detail the five most common...

Improve Your Jiu-Jitsu with this Table Workout Using BJJ Moves

Check out this workout using a table which uses many movements used in BJJ such as X Guard, Triangles etc Check it out:  

Clark Gracie: How To Reset & Sweep Opponent When Smashed in Half Guard

Clark Gracie shows on Adem Redzovic and “Open Guard Translated” fans a “Reset” and sweep option when your opponent gets passed your 1st and 2nd “line of defense”....

Watch & Learn 49 Kimura & Americana Set Ups in Just 6 minutes

Kimura (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), chicken wing/double wrist lock (catch wrestling), or reverse keylock are terms used to specify a medial keylock known in judo as gyaku ude-garami (reverse arm...

(Video) Batman Doing Jiu-Jitsu: Armbar Then Switches To Kneebar

From Batman:The Dark Knight Returns. Batman using Brazilian jujitsu for the first time ever in motion, He starts with an Arm-bar and than finishes with a Kneebar:     Bruce Wayne training:

Double Kettlebell Training for Superior Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Strength

Written by Joey Alvarado, creator of Kettle-Jitsu Grip training is a subject I wanted to touch on for some time now. I definitely have some serious opinions on it. As you already may know, I have...

Top 10 Best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Songs From All Over The World

Check out some of these great songs with a BJJ theme. Some of them are simply beautiful, especially the Top 4! Enjoy and make sure to put them in your mix tape at the BJJ academy! 10. Cate Botelho-...

10 Different Animal Walk Exercises For BJJ Warm Up & Conditioning

  A video illustrating many different animals walks and animal drills for strength, conditioning and overall movement coordination and capacity.     More animal drills:

Skillful Roll Between BJJ Black Belt & His Grappling Dog

Man’s best friend is also man’s best training partner. Kano the dog rolling with his master, BJJ and Judo black belt Bryan Mendez. Kano is wearing a Dog Gi.

Craziest Triangle Set Up and Finish You Will Ever See in Grappling Competition

German-Serbian BJJ black belt and MMA fighter Alexander Neufang is known for his triangles, Kimuras and crazy sense of humor. In the “Submissao” competition in Germany, Neufang was able...

Relson Gracie’s Tips On How To Fast Track Your Game to Black Belt Level

Taking your BJJ skills to the next level requires you to step out of your comfort zone, and sacrifice or compromise some elements in your daily routine to stay on top. It can range anywhere between...

Competitor Puts 3 Opponents To Sleep With No Gi Baseball Choke

The dangerous No Gi “Baseball Bat Choke” is an effective technique that is rarely seen in No Gi BJJ competitions. This video will show you why you better understand this position. The...

(Video) Man Takes Out Baseball-Bat Wielding Attacker With Perfect Block & Rear Naked Choke

Baseball Bats Don’t Win Fights. This incident occurred in 2014 in Philadelphia and the whole thing was captured on CCTV. A former Marine was arguing with a man over a parking space. The argument...

How NOT To Act In BJJ Tournaments

You can tell a lot about someone’s personality by the way they act a BJJ tournament. Some people will celebrate a victory like it was just another day at the office, while some will act like...

Belts Might Be The Worst Thing to Ever Happen to Martial Arts

We’ve all been there, whether we want to admit it or not. That moment when your professor has torn a few strips of medical tape and stuck them on the wall after calling “line up.” Or, for some...

Watch: 56 yr Old Coral Belt Carlos Gracie Jr Rolling with Purple Belt

Carlos “Carlinhos” Gracie, Jr. is a 8th degree Red and white Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), founder of the Gracie Barra Academy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and is head of the Gracie Barra...

Never Tap Again From Straight Ankle Lock- Tom Deblass

Tom DeBlass is a former Bellator and UFC fighter with a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jisu under Ricardo Almeida. DeBlass runs his own Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy Ocean County Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His...

Judo + Dancing = Judo-Dance!

Judo has a lot in common with dancing. You need rhythm, feeling and emotion. Judo’s similarity to dancing can be see with footwork and movement. Related: This BJJ Black Belt is a World Famous...