Category Archive: Articles
Heaviest Pass in Jiu-Jitsu: The Sidesmash by Keenan Cornelius
Oct 02, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Heaviest Pass in Jiu-Jitsu: The Sidesmash by Keenan Cornelius
Why put pressure? Pressure will wear them. It tires them and forces to either take the pain or open up and make a mistake. There’s no easy way to learn how to pass the guard and improve your guard...3 Popular No Gi Subs & Their Gi Equivalent
Oct 02, 2019BJJEEComments Off on 3 Popular No Gi Subs & Their Gi Equivalent
BJJ black belt Eli Knight takes a look at what he refers to as fraternal twin techniques: no gi moves that are closely related to gi moves. He focuses on: The Anaconda Choke with Kata-Ha Jime. The...Are You Ready for the 2019 SJJIF World Jiu-Jitsu Championship?
Oct 01, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Are You Ready for the 2019 SJJIF World Jiu-Jitsu Championship?
Sport Jiu-Jitsu International Federation (SJJIF) is the international governing body of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu founded in 2013 with the mission of organizing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in order to take the...Henry Akins On How To Improve Quicker in Jiu-Jitsu
Oct 01, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Henry Akins On How To Improve Quicker in Jiu-Jitsu
Guest post by Henry Akins, the third American to receive a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu black belt from legendary fighter Rickson Gracie. Akins trained under Rickson Gracie for 15 years. Akins became the...The High Percentage Bodylock Pass By Lachlan Giles
Sep 30, 2019BJJEEComments Off on The High Percentage Bodylock Pass By Lachlan Giles
If you’ve been following the pro BJJ scene, you may noticed many top grapplers having incredible success with a certain type of pass: The bodylock pass which is also known as the double over...This Bodylock Smash Pass Puts So Much Pressure That They Literally Let You Pass
Sep 30, 2019BJJEEComments Off on This Bodylock Smash Pass Puts So Much Pressure That They Literally Let You Pass
If you’ve been following the pro BJJ scene, you may have noticed the Miyao brothers having incredible success with a certain type of pass: The bodylock pass which is also known as the double...Jiu-Jitsu Has a Problem With Standardizing Names Of All It’s Techniques
Sep 30, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Jiu-Jitsu Has a Problem With Standardizing Names Of All It’s Techniques
Learning BJJ is a process which requires to remember a lot of Jiu Jitsu techniques and moves. The problem is that some of them have Portuguese names, others have English or Japanese names, others...6 Best Tips On How To Push Yourself To Make The Most Of Every Training
Sep 30, 2019BJJEEComments Off on 6 Best Tips On How To Push Yourself To Make The Most Of Every Training
Doing bjj daily or almost every day is a necessity if you’re serious about the gentle art. But as with any activity done daily there are variations in how well you receive instructions and how...Science of Soreness: What Causes Sore Muscles After Workout Sessions?
Sep 30, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Science of Soreness: What Causes Sore Muscles After Workout Sessions?
Anyone that has ever exercised knows the feeling of sore muscles after workout sessions. Learn why sore muscles happen and how to cope with it. Dread working out because of sore muscles? Knowing why...How to Fight Wrestling with Jiu-Jitsu – Kimura Counter to High Crotch – Firas Zahabi
Sep 29, 2019BJJEEComments Off on How to Fight Wrestling with Jiu-Jitsu – Kimura Counter to High Crotch – Firas Zahabi
Capitalizing on Takedowns from defense. Whenever there is a takedown there is a possibility for submission for the defender (the one defending the takedown). Every time someone tries to take...Proven Tips that will Help You Beat Insomnia
Sep 29, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Proven Tips that will Help You Beat Insomnia
Doctors have made it clear that there are three crucial things an individual needs to be complete; a healthy diet, regular physical activities, and at least seven hours of sleep every night. The...Can Two Students Submit One Black Belt?
Sep 26, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Can Two Students Submit One Black Belt?
Over the years different challenges often got explored. For instance there was a case of the black belt who was challenged to hold on to his beer while fighting off an overeager blue...5 Things You Should Never Say To An Injured Teammate
Sep 26, 2019BJJEEComments Off on 5 Things You Should Never Say To An Injured Teammate
In bjj injuries are an every day occurrence but with them comes often the harder part that is rest, recovery and considering your options. Here are some pet peeve statements you...Why ‘Anger is not a Gift’ In Jiu-Jitsu
Sep 26, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Why ‘Anger is not a Gift’ In Jiu-Jitsu
Guest post from Thomas Nadelhoffer the Grumpy Grappler, an Associate Professor of Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience at College of Charleston (SC). When he’s not enjoying time with his wife...4 Things You Quickly Find Out During Your First Month Of BJJ
Sep 26, 2019BJJEEComments Off on 4 Things You Quickly Find Out During Your First Month Of BJJ
Guest post by Evolve Vacation. The Evolve Vacation Program offers travelers the rare opportunity of a lifetime to combine a tropical vacation under the sun with authentic training under World...Star Wars Jitsu: Kids Of Both Spielberg and George Lucas Are Doing BJJ
Sep 26, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Star Wars Jitsu: Kids Of Both Spielberg and George Lucas Are Doing BJJ
One of the greatest pop culture influences of today is the Star Wars franchise. The movie series has spawned off countless editions, merchandise and die hard fans. But what you might...“Switching” Schools: Old School BJJ Black Belt Offers Very Wise Advice
Sep 26, 2019BJJEEComments Off on “Switching” Schools: Old School BJJ Black Belt Offers Very Wise Advice
“jiu-jitsu é a única arte marcial que tem família” (Jiu-Jitsu is the only martial art that has a family) Team switching in Jiu-Jitsu is a very controversial topic that will always provoke...Norwegian Research Outlines the Average BJJ Athlete
Sep 26, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Norwegian Research Outlines the Average BJJ Athlete
With jiu-jitsu being as young as it is comparative to other grappling sports any bit of information gained from valid scientific research is interesting. This led a group of Norwegian...ADCC Turkey With $2000 Prize Money
Sep 25, 2019BJJEEComments Off on ADCC Turkey With $2000 Prize Money
This is the first ever ADCC event in Turkey ( ) Organizers have included a wide range of categories from beginner to pro and 35+ groups. To make this tournament...When Is It OK To Quit Training BJJ?
Sep 24, 2019BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on When Is It OK To Quit Training BJJ?
Photo: Jared Lopper If you’ve been in Jiu Jitsu for a long enough time, a simple thought will inevitably cross your mind one day: „Should I quit training BJJ?“ And when that question comes...Scare Your Training Partners With ‘The Exorcist’ Guard Submission by Draculino
Sep 23, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Scare Your Training Partners With ‘The Exorcist’ Guard Submission by Draculino
Closed guard is an old time classic that’s one of the most commonly seen techniques in practice and in real life altercations. It’s a great position for the one on the bottom since they have...This Takedown Is Easy To Pick Up
Sep 23, 2019BJJEEComments Off on This Takedown Is Easy To Pick Up
When you train BJJ where most of the focus is on the ground, you won’t always have time to train Judo or Wrestling as much as you’d like. It’s about making a choice: do you want to be a...Is Marcelo Garcia Really the ADCC G.O.A.T.?
Sep 23, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Is Marcelo Garcia Really the ADCC G.O.A.T.?
It’s a continued hard topic of who the No Gi Grappler is of all time. And who had the best debut at ADCC. Was it Marcelo Garcia or Gordon Ryan? The answer remains to be seen. But here’s a...Enson Inoue Shows Unorthodox Arm Bar from Closed Guard for No Gi BJJ
Sep 23, 2019BJJEEComments Off on Enson Inoue Shows Unorthodox Arm Bar from Closed Guard for No Gi BJJ
MMA legend and old school BJJ black belt Enson Inoue has been retired from MMA since 2004 (he had a short comeback fight in 2010), but he has started training Jiu-Jitsu again in 2016 after taking a...