
Muhammad Ali’s Grandson Says MMA Saved Him From Out-Of-Control Lifestyle

Muhammad Ali’s Grandson Says MMA Saved Him From Out-Of-Control Lifestyle

Biaggio Ali Walsh is Muhammad Ali‘s grandson and amateur MMA fighter.
He was a talented college football player as well, but due to injuries and bad relationships with the team staff, he quit the sport… And turned to a party lifestyle.

And, self-admittedly, he lost control.
Here’s what Biaggio had to say about that stage of his life, in a recent interview with the Mirror:

When my football career was over, I was lost. I lost control, I was a big party animal

I was going out, doing stupid stuff and trying new things. I didn’t like the lifestyle I was heading down and I just found myself very confused and lost.

I didn’t know what to do, I felt like I had no purpose anymore.

The 24-year-old soon got the inspiration he needed to turn his life around:

I got an internship at a sports facility and was also working at Adidas. When I was interning a lot of the fighters I worked with came from Xtreme Couture, where I train.

I thought: “Why am I coaching these guys at 22-years-old?”
I didn’t want to have questions later on in life about: “Would I have been a good fighter?”

That’s when I told myself I’m going to just go for it and that way I’ll be a lot happier in the end.

And, true to his word, Biaggio found happiness after committing to the “MMA lifestyle”:

When I started taking it more seriously, I found myself getting away from that lifestyle because you can’t be a party animal and then train MMA expecting to do good in the gym.
You’re going to gas out sooner and get your a** whooped, that’s exactly what happened.

I thought to myself: “I’m going to choose this route instead of that road”.
And ever since then I have felt better, my life has opened up in a whole new way.

Walsh is now an amateur fighter for the Professional Fighters League (PFL) and his upcoming fight is on April 7.


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