
MMA Referee Mike Beltran Promoted To BJJ Black Belt

MMA Referee Mike Beltran Promoted To BJJ Black Belt

Veteran MMA referee Mike Beltran has reached an impressive milestone in his martial arts journey…
Announcing that he has earned his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt!

He was promoted by Professor Johnny Ramirez at New Breed Academy.

Known for his commanding presence in the octagon and signature mustache, Beltran’s achievement highlights a career built on discipline, persistence, and a deep commitment to the sport.
He shared the feelings behind the promotion in a recent social media post:

Yesterday was an amazing day and a huge milestone in my life.
I worked my butt off and received my Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu from Johnny Ramirez.

My journey wasn’t an easy one.
I’ve dealt with many injuries, illnesses, surgeries, life, work, being a single father, divorce and a hectic schedule.

However, one thing I knew I was never going to quit and not let anything get in the way of my goals.
My journey and path was difficult but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Beltran shared that he has been training for well over 20 years:

My journey and path was difficult but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

I’ve been training since 2002 and was a Brown Belt for 11 years.
It was important to finish what I started and prove to myself, but most importantly show my son the example – to finish what you start regardless of setbacks.


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