A few days ago, BJJ community saw one of the worst displays of “being an adult” in BJJ competition…
When a man showed first mocked and then showed the middle finger to a little girl.
Check it out on the video below:
Grown man mocks and gives the finger to a little girl at Grappling Industries
byu/RRSC14 inbjj
The man in question had now explained what happened…
That the girl was mocking his son earlier:
I completely lost my cool.
What was not seen in the video was after the match ended which my son lost, he was crying.The girl in the video turned to my son and made the crying face at my son and told him to cry about it.
The ref warned her to stop, she then walked towards me and said the same thing which is when I lost my cool.
He added, however, that this shouldn’t have been an excuse for what he had done:
It should have never happened and I should have never lost my cool.
2 wrongs don’t make a right and all I can do is apologize.I should have acted like an adult. Unfortunately, I didn’t.
I am disappointed with myself for how I conducted myself.This should have never happened.
All I can say is I am truly sorry.I’m sorry to the girl in the video and to my son.
Also, our gym. I’m sorry for my actions.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.