
Ludus Team Russia Preparing For 2013 Europeans


Daud Adaev, Deda Faria and Slava Ilin

On january, from 1rst to 14th, Russia is on a state of Holiday. Russians follow the Julian Calendar which means that Orthodox Christians (majority of Russians) celebrate Christmas and New Year  around that time. That didn’t stop Ludus Team Russia headed by BJJ black Belt, Alexander “Deda” Faria from preparing their athletes  for the Europeans (Jan24to 27th in Lisbon Portugal), as they conducted trainings even during holidays. So, for 3 days, from 3rd to the 5th of january they had 2 trainings/ day of 2 hours each. Gi in the morning and no gi in the evening. To their surprise, many people from different gyms showed up and some of then even postponed their holiday trips.

at the end of the three days of BJJ overdose they had:

20 new techniques practiced
36 rolls!!!
injuries: none!
Bruises : many!
Happy athletes: Everybody!!!

That’s part of the work that Sensei Alexander “Deda” Faria is doing to develop BJJ in Russia.
In April, from 5 to 10, he will bring Alvaro Romano (creator of Ginastica Natural) to Gymnasium (Ludus headquarter) to conduct a seminar on ” Ginastica Natural” . It’s also part of BJJ development process in Russia.



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