Did you know that there is at least one thing that BJJ practitioners and soldiers have in common?
Well, at the very least according to John Danaher.
And no, it’s probably nothing that you might expect at first sight.
Why? Because Danaher is talking about escapes.
Yes, escapes.
Here’s what he had to say about the topic in a recent social media post:
Just as it is easier for a soldier to escape being taken prisoner if he attempts his escape as early as possible after capture, so too in jiu jitsu – the earlier your escape attempts begin, the easier the escape overall.
The longer you delay, the further you get taken into the lock and harder it will be to extricate yourself.
But how are you supposed to notice that you should start with your escape attempts?
It’s all about the knowledge you’ve gained:
Knowledge is a powerful tool here.
If you have enough knowledge to recognize an emerging threat early you can respond early – and it’s the early responses that have the best chance of success.
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