Despite having been invited, Hannette Staack, one of the biggest names in women’s Jiu-Jitsu is out of this years’s ADCC, which takes place on October 19 in China. According to the organization, the athlete claimed that work commitments would not allow her participation in the biggest tournament in the world of Grappling.
However, in an interview with tatame, Hannette opened up and showed all her dissatisfaction with the event. She, who will be replaced by Sweden’s Ida Hannsson explained that she will not participate in the ADCC because she felt disrespected by the organizers.
“It was a very difficult decision to make, but the organizors do not treat us with respect. I sent an email to them on June 18 asking if they would call me. Two months passed, and the guys did not respond. It was a difficult decision to make because I like to compete, I live for Jiu-Jitsu, but if I am to be treated with such disrespect, I’d rather not go. ”

Hannette winning ADCC 2009
Hannette was the first women’s champion of ADCC in 2007 – the year when women’s categories were created. In 2009, she won the tournament again. The athlete, who had declared that she had not been automatically invited, believes that women deserve to be valued within the competition and says that she only received the invitation because she pushed for it.
“I talked to the promoter of the event, saying that people, especially women, deserve more respect. The lack of respect occurs more for females, because they do not care much for us. It is the culture of Arabs, not to highly value women. I think they asked me because of the pressure that I did, because Caroline De Lazzer is pregnant and she had said that she could not fight .”
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.