After winning the Nitrix Championship, an MMA event held in São Paulo last week, Davi Ramos has accepted the challenge of entering the fight for the Grand Prix title, according the Jeferson Maycá, director of Copa Podio:
“Davi was previously invited to participate in the GP, but he was focused on his MMA fight at that time and so had not closed a deal with us. Now, with his mission complete, he has decided to take on this test with the approval of his coach, Ramon Lemos”.
The Rio de Janeiro native, from Atos Team, took third place in the Middleweight GP in the first season of the Copa Podio.
The event will be broadcast live online as from 12:30 pm (Los Angeles), with commentary by Marco de Vargas, as well as Raphael Abi-Rihan and Dennis Asche, in Portuguese and English, respectively.
The pay-per-view accesses is already available via the official event website
Purchase the livestream of the Copa Podio on Sunday, September 8:
City Challenge(No time limit to submission) – 1:00 pm (LA) Manaus
(Diego Borges) x San Diego (Clark Gracie)
ROUND 1 GP – 2:00 PM (LA)
Verde Renato Cardoso x Travis Stevens
Verde Paulo Miyao x Manuel Diaz
Amarelo Felipe Preguiça x Alexandro Ceconi
Amarelo Diogo Moreno x Davi Ramos
ROUND 2 GP – 2:35 pm (LA)
Verde Paulo Miyao x Jaime Canuto
Verde Manuel Diaz x Travis Stevens
Amarelo Diogo Moreno x Kit Dale
Amarelo Alexandro Ceconi x Davi Ramos
ROUND 3 GP – 3:10 pm (LA)
Verde Manuel Diaz x Renato Cardoso
Verde Travis Stevens x Jaime Canuto
Amarelo Davi Ramos x Felipe Preguiça
Amarelo Alexandro Ceconi x Kit Dale
ROUND 4 GP – 3:45 pm (LA)
Verde Travis Stevens x Paulo Miyao
Verde Jaime Canuto x Renato Cardoso
Amarelo Alexandro Ceconi x Diogo Moreno
Amarelo Kit Dale x Felipe Preguiça
ROUND 5 GP – 4:20 pm (LA)
Verde Jaime Canuto x Manuel Diaz
Verde Renato Cardoso x Paulo Miyao
Amarelo Kit Dale x Davi Ramos
Amarelo Felipe Preguiça x Diogo Moreno
Leandro Lo x Cláudio Calasans
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