
BJJ Instructor Responds To Student Abuse Drama: ‘I Slapped Him But Not To Damage Him. We Are Friends’

BJJ Instructor Responds To Student Abuse Drama: ‘I Slapped Him But Not To Damage Him. We Are Friends’

2 days ago, a video surfaced of a BJJ instructor showing a technique on how to counter lockdown. The counter consisted of standing up which created a strong calf cruncher. The student tapped but the instructor decided to ignore the tap and even slapped the student. It’s not clear what his intentions were but this behavior is totally unacceptable coming from an instructor…

Instructor: “Get, get out”

Student (tapping) and screaming in pain: “I can’t, I can’t professor”

Instructor ignores taps and slaps his body and slaps his face.

The video provoked many negative reactions from the global BJJ community, calling it abusive.

Here is the video. You can judge for yourself:

As a result of the backlash, the instructor and academy in question ( Fernando “Soluço” Di Pierro of Alliance Ecuador) issued a statement justifying their actions:

In a video Fernando Soluco and the student in question said that it wasn’t abuse at all and that they are friends. He stated:

I slapped him as theater. It wasn’t to damage him.


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