Andrew Wiltse recently shared a detailed account of an incident in which he was forcibly hospitalized during a manic episode – leading to a physical altercation with law enforcement.
The situation unfolded when Wiltse was walking through town while experiencing what he now recognizes as a manic episode.
Concerned citizens called the police after noticing him wandering and talking to himself.
When officers arrived, Wiltse initially complied but became frustrated when they insisted on taking him to a hospital:
They drove me to one of the hospitals because they were concerned.
Once there, he attempted to leave – but multiple police officers, security guards, and medical staff confronted him.
The situation escalated when an officer tried to restrain him:
One of them puts their hand on my shoulder and says: “You’re going to come inside with us.”
A struggle ensued as officers attempted to subdue him, even deploying a taser – which Wiltse claims had little effect.
At one point, he even managed to grab the taser from an officer – but opted not to use it, instead tossing it away.
Eventually, he was restrained and sedated.
Looking back, Wiltse insists he wasn’t a danger to himself or others at the time, though he acknowledges the severity of his manic episode.
Since then, he has sought treatment and is now properly medicated to manage his condition.
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