
Author Archive: BJJEE1 Admin

Keenan Cornelius Has a Stealth-Like Triangle Setup From The Back

Tell us, honestly: how many times have you taken someone’s back, only to struggle to finish with a choke for the remainder of the round? Yup, all too often. Well, Keenan Cornelius has a sneaky...

Train With The Best at The Caribbean Roots Camp with Samuel Braga, Erik Wanderley, Valerie Letourneau & More

What’s the one most important, most beautiful thing that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has given you? What would you say has given you the best goosebumps? Chances are – it’s the experiences....

Royce Gracie on Who’d Win: Rickson Gracie or Gordon Ryan? Tells Interesting Stories

Who would come out on top: Rickson Gracie vs Gordon Ryan? What about Rickson Gracie vs. Andre Galvao? And what happened between Royce Gracie and Eddie Bravo at Metamoris III? Chael Sonnen had a...

Is Your Belt Too Long And Keeps Falling Off? Try This!

However important as it may be to know as many principles and techniques as possible, it is equally important to know the very basics – for example, how to tie your belt properly! Even though that...

Don’t Get Disqualified Doing This Sweep

There are BJJ sweeps… And then are the BJJ sweeps! You know what we mean by that – there are some sweeps that you just cannot take your eyes off, whether it’s because of the great...

BJJ Black Belt Demonstrates How Realistic the Grappling in the Movie ‘Redeemer’

If you’ve seen the movie „Redeemer“ (2014), starring Marko Zaror, you’ve probably seen a lot of action shots that involve grappling skills! But, how realistic is the grappling we see...

Prevent Your Opponents From Standing In Your Closed Guard By Doing This

Your closed guard is only as effective as your ability to use it for sweeps, transitions and submissions is… However, it’s only as useful as your ability to preserve it when your...

Travis Stevens On Why Judo Has More Brotherhood & Less Politics Than BJJ

Travis Stevens, an Olympic Silver Medalist in Judo and a black belt in BJJ under John Danaher, has a unique perspective on the differences between Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – one well worth...

Is Rickson Gracie Truly The Greatest BJJ Practitioner Of All Time?

Is Rickson Gracie truly the greatest Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner of all time or not? And if he is, why is it so? Professor Ryan Young, a 2nd Degree Black Belt and an instructor at Kama Jiu-Jitsu...

How Do Great Passers Constantly Switch Directions

If you’ve been watching high level BJJ competition matches for a while, you’ve probably seen that a lot of the top ranking jiujiteiros frequently change directions when they guard pass,...

Finally Make The Mir Lock Work For You

*Dramatic music plays in the bacground*: the Mir Lock! A powerful, shoulder-lock based submission that gets heads (and rotator cuffs) turning whenever it is applied properly. However, it is not seen...

Do The Folding Pass Every Single Time On Any Type Of Guard With Buchecha

Marcus „Buchecha“ Almeida is one of the greatest grapplers of all time. Being a 6x World Champion, he owes a lot of his success to his amazing passing game – which, more often than not, shows...

Avoid Getting DQ’d At Your Next Tourney By Knowing Exactly what is ‘Knee Reaping’

Knee reaping is illegal in IBJJF tournaments and tournaments that run under the IBJJF rules. However, it’s also a commonly misunderstood position that can get the competitor disqualified from a...

What Should a BJJ Practitioner Do in a Street Altercation?

A lot of jiu jitsu practitioners started training BJJ because they wanted to feel more secure in their own skin if the need to protect themselves arises. And it is true: the self-confidence that...

Olympic Medalist Ugo Legrand’s Special Set up To Throw with Kouchi Gari

A 2012 Summer Olympics Bronze Medalist, Ugo Legrand is one of the best French judokas of all time. In this video he walks us through the way he sets up the Kouchi Gari throw.   Grips and The...

Richie “Boogeyman” Martinez On Combining Breakdancing & Jiu-Jitsu

Richie Martinez, more often known as „The Boogeyman“ is one of those jiujiteiros that are known for their entertaining style and unexpected moves! He is a 10th Planet black belt under Eddie Bravo...

Make Your Grappling Game More Aggressive With These 3 Small Adjustments

It seems that there are nowadays many people complaining that BJJ has become „too soft“ – with a lot of critics pointing towards the stalling nature of most matches, where competitors aim to...

You Owe It To Yourself To Become a BJJ Black Belt

What would it mean for you to become a BJJ black belt? Not just in terms of your Jiu Jitsu journey, but for your life as well? Whatever your answer is, you need to be absolutely certain of one thing:...

“I am on the mats all the time, so why am I not making progress?“

„I am on the mats all the time, so why am I not making progress?“ That just might be the biggest woe and worry of the seasoned Jiu Jitsu practitioner. Simply put, after a while, a BJJ plateau...

Robert Drysdale: Has Maeda Promoted Brazilian Students to Black Belt?

BJJ history is full of undiscovered secrets, of interesting twists and turns! One of them rests on the discussion of whether or not the legendary Mitsuyo Maeda has promoted his Brazilian students to...

BJJ Chokes That Everybody Should Know, With Lachlan Giles

Lachlan Giles, a bronze medalist in this year’s ADCC absolute division and one of the most well-known contemporary grapplers, teamed up with Bernardo Faria to show three BJJ chokes that...

Rickson Gracie Secret: Improve By Making Yourself The Worst Guy In Your Academy

If there were one thing that would immediately guarantee you that you’d keep on improving in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as time flies, what would it be? What would it be that you’d need to do?...

Tap Your Opponents With These Unexpected Wrist Locks

Wrist locks! They are nasty, they are sneaky and they get on your nerves when you get tapped too many times with them… Yet, everybody loves them and wants to have them in their submission...

How To Never Get Thrown in BJJ

    Love them or hate them, throws are something every jiujiteiro needs to practice in order to bring his A-game to the table. And, as important it is to learn the throw techniques, it is...