
Author Archive: BJJEE1 Admin

The 80/20 Rule For BJJ: Focusing on What Gets You the Most Amount of Success

„What brings the biggest return of investment?“ That is a question that every successful salesperson commits to from the very start of their careers. And why? It’s because they understand...

A Look Into BJJ History, Through The Eyes Of Master Armando Wriedt

History is such a wonderful place to rest our eyes at, even for a moment. It teaches us so much! This is very true on the individual level; just remember your BJJ beginnings! Who knows how many...

These Are The 6 Best Core Exercises For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Athletes

If you want to be the best Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athlete you can be, then you need a strong and stable core! If you neglect working on it, you might not reach your maximum BJJ potential; but you could...

Get Your Cardio To The Next Level With Dan Vallimont’s Circuit Workout

You can have all of the grappling skills in the world that you want, but if you don’t have enough cardio to go through a difficult match – then those skills won’t matter! So, it’s...

Is It Ever Okay To Refuse To Roll With Women?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is such a wonderful martial art! And not just because of the health and self-esteem benefits it has; but also because of its lifestyle benefits. One of those lifestyle aspects is...

Use The Samurai Grip To Set Up Attacks In The Gi

If there were one most important thing to do at the beginning of a BJJ match, then it would be to establish some sort of control and dominance over your opponent, as soon as possible. And if...

Should I Use Illegal BJJ Techniques In Training?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an ocean, full of wonderful techniques! However, some of those techniques can’t be used in certain competitions. Whether you have a certain belt, at the level of which...

Four Things That COVID-19 Will Change About BJJ In The Future

The current COVID-19 situation in the world is a very serious one; people are getting sick, oftentimes critically, and countries are attempting to fight the disease by going through extreme lockdown...

When You Do This, They’ll Stop Trying The Over Under Pass On You

Yup, we hear what you’re saying! There are a LOT of BJJ techniques that carry terrifying names and that, yet, don’t live up to the expectations they’ve set for their notoriety....

Firas Zahabi On How To Drastically Improve Your Cardio For BJJ

„How do I improve my cardio for BJJ?“ This is one of those questions that are often given a generic answer: „Just spend more time on the mats.“ But there has got to be more to it,...

You Want To Train BJJ Twice Per Day? Here’s What You Should Consider

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. Okay, so you’ve decided to start training twice per day – in hopes of getting your Jiu Jitsu to the next level. Fair enough! However,...

Which Is Better For Self-Defense: BJJ Or Judo? Here’s What Matters

Is it better to have trained BJJ or Judo when a self-defense situation arises? If you’re a Jiujiteiro, then this might not be what you want to hear… But it’s something that you...

Controlling Your Emotions During Competition with World & ADCC Champ Claudio Calasans

Claudio Calasans Camargo is both a Judo and a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt, representing the Atos Jiu Jitsu team and the Calasans Camargo Gym. His father is a seventh degree black belt in Judo...

Smash Through Guards By Breaking Frames in Jiu Jitsu

Okay, okay, we get it. Guard passing can get really frustrating, especially if you’re at the beginning of your BJJ journey… And it’s not just about the number of techniques out...

Cobrinha’s 8 BJJ Solo Guard Retention Drills – Do These Every Day!

There’s nothing worse than feeling your BJJ skills slowly fade away due to the lack of training… And look, we get it! Your academy is probably closed, so you can’t go over there and...

Need A Great BJJ Workout At Home? Try These 11 Elastic Band Exercises

If you’re stuck at home and can’t go to your BJJ academy nor to the gym for whatever reason, you might be nervous; fearing that you’ll lose all your athleticism and gains. Heavy...

Stuck In Quarantine? Here Are 5 BJJ Things You Can Do To Stay Motivated

Depending on where you live, there’s a possibility that you’ve already spent a couple of weeks in a self-imposed quarantine, isolated and being away from your BJJ academy; away from Jiu...

Bulletproof Your Knees For BJJ With These 5 Stability Exercises

Look, chances are that we probably don’t have to tell you about how important it is to stay as injury-free as possible in BJJ – especially when your knees are considered. For, once the...

These Are The Only Exercises You’ll Need For Strength Training For BJJ

Getting better in BJJ is a never-ending journey, one that consists out of many steps along the way. These steps, however, are not just the numerous techniques and principles that are directly...

Great Deep Half To X Guard Sweep Variation, With Rodolfo Vieira

It really doesn’t matter how many techniques you know in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Even if you have been training for a longer time than some of your fellow teammates have been alive; and even if...

Getting Crushed In Half Guard? Use Your Lockdown To Release Pressure

Yeah… You were supposed to frame when you’re in the Half Guard, remember? Well, obviously you didn’t. Your opponent found their way with an underhook and is now crushing you with...

Opponent Has An Underhook? Mickey Gall Shows The Gracie Shoulder Rip

There is a lot of things that jiujiteiros could learn from wrestlers, judokas and other predominantly stand-up fighters. And no, it’s not just about how to throw somebody in the air and slam...

It’s Not About How Old You Are, But How Old You Feel In BJJ

„Am I getting too old for BJJ?“ As time passes, and the months and the years of life accrue, you might start worrying and asking yourself if you’re getting a bit old for Brazilian Jiu...

This Butterfly Guard Pass Is So Simple That It Works Every Time

The Butterfly Guard is such a versatile position when you’re on the offense; it offers a very wide range of transitions, set ups and even direct submission attacks. That is why, if you are on...