
Author Archive: BJJEE1 Admin

What To Do If You’re a BJJ Blue Belt – And You Get Destroyed by a White Belt?

First of all, well done – you’re a blue belt and you’re still training! You haven’t quit, and that’s a huge achievement in and of itself… But what if, just a couple of...

The Proper Way To Study A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Match

There are many roads to improvement in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Some of them will require you to invest additional time – that is, to focus on BJJ outside of the mats as well. For example, studying...

You Should Be Asking Your BJJ Instructor These Things During Training

You know what your BJJ instructor really likes? Heck, even more than seeing you perform a technique incredibly well, more than you winning an entire division with zero points lost? Can you guess? If...

Opinion: Chasing Stripes On Your Belt In BJJ Is Wrong

So you’ve just earned your first stripe? Congratulations! Be it the first stripe on your white belt or on your brown belt, that’s a huge accomplishment, and you should feel proud of it....

The Blueprint To Getting BETTER In BJJ At A FASTER Speed

Getting better in BJJ, at a faster speed, is no rocket science. You just have to give 100% effort (or as close to it as you can on a given day) in several different areas… And possibly change...

How To Stay Motivated During Long Periods Of Sucking In BJJ?

Having a one bad day at training is no big deal. Having a week or even a month is no big deal either… But what if you’ve been sucking at BJJ for a long time – how do you deal with that?...

This Is How To Train MORE Without Getting Injured

So you wish to train even MORE than you’ve been training up until now? You’re really in love with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! You know what they say: „He who really wants to do something, will...

Should You SKIP Jiu-Jitsu Training To See Your Friends?

Every now and then, you’ll come to ask yourself if you should skip Jiu-Jitsu – in order to see your friends. But should you do it? Should you skip training in order to spend some time with...

Your BJJ Will Never Be Great… If You Don’t Get Your MINDSET Right!

If you truly wish not just to „improve“ your Jiu Jitsu – but to make it the best that you can, then there are a LOT of things that you need to take into consideration, and take care of. The...

Getting Your Next Belt In Jiu Jitsu IS Important

Getting your next belt IS NOT the most important thing in the world. If the belt promotion is the only thing you’re focused on while you’re on your BJJ journey, then you can bet that this...

The Best Advice For Women Starting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Starting with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be an unusual experience for everyone, men and women alike. But the „online world“ tends to share much more advice for men than it does for women, simply due...

These Things You Should Know After ONE MONTH Of Jiu-Jitsu

eginOne month of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t a lot. As a matter of fact, if you’ve been training only for one month, then you shouldn’t expect too much from yourself… But still,...

4 Tips To Make Friends FAST In A New BJJ Academy

So you just came to your new BJJ academy! Perhaps it’s your first training session ever, or you made a transfer from another academy to this one; or you may be travelling and decided to get in...

This Is How To Train BJJ TWICE Per Day, Thrive, And Survive

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. Jiu-Jitsu, twice per day? Sure, why not! If you have the time (and the work ethic), then you should definitely go for it – with more mat...

Here Are The 4 Basic Reasons Why Your Open Guard SUCKS

Watching someone with a fantastic Open Guard roll is so amazing! Looking at their ability to impose control, sweeps, to defend against guard passes, and to even go for submissions directly…...

This Is What Meal Prepping With A Fulltime BJJ Competitor Looks Like

If you’re serious about your Jiu-Jitsu, then you’ve got to be serious about your diet as well. Great training requires a great meal – if you want to recover properly and perform greatly...

Opinion: Should You Accept A Belt Promotion From Another BJJ Instructor?

Respect and friendships are really important in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So important, in fact, that rarely anyone would stay persistent enough in BJJ, if he wasn’t surrounded with friendly and...

These are the Most Common Reasons For Hitting A Plateau In Jiu-Jitsu

Nothing hurts as much as reality does. And reality says that, sooner or later, you will hit a plateau in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. No matter how good you may be, no matter how much progress you’re...

What Should You EAT BEFORE Your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training?

Having a proper diet is essential not just to your health and life in general, but to how good you’ll perform in your BJJ training as well. In other words: what you eat before Jiu-Jitsu class...

Why The Focus On GRIPS Could Actually Be Hindering Your Jiu-Jitsu

Grips are important in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, as they often determine who is on the defensive and who is on the offensive side of the match. However, as important as they are, focusing too much on them...

What The Way You TAP OUT In Jiu Jitsu Says About You

Do you know what’s the number one thing you’ll do at training; the most frequent one, that is? No, it’s not Hip Escapes, not any sort of a drill, nor any submission or escape that...

Your Technique Is Good In Training, But CATASTROPHIC In Competition?

So your technique is spot-on during training! You’re making great progress, that’s fantastic. But as soon as you hit the competition mats… Your technique dissolves into thin air....

This Is Why You DON’T Feel Great After Jiu-Jitsu Training

You’d expect to feel fantastic after your Jiu-Jitsu training, right? To feel elated, walking home with a huge smile on your face. And, truth be told, this will often happen – as BJJ truly...

“Be One With The Floor” – The Secret To Marcelo Garcia’s Butterfly Guard

The game of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is all about constantly improving yourself. You should always be on the hunt to make better, faster, more efficient progress… So that you’re always one...