
You’re Young & Want To Turn BJJ Into A Full-Time Career? Read This

You’re Young & Want To Turn BJJ Into A Full-Time Career? Read This

When you’re young and just starting out in the world, it can be tempting to think about turning BJJ into a full-time career. And not just in regards to becoming a professional competitor; but, more than that, in regards to becoming a successful coach and gym owner.
This, although an exciting thought, can become a tough dilemma. Especially if you’ve been working at another job in which you’re making good money or/and are happy at.

What should you do? Nick “Chewy” Albin shares his experience and opinion.



Chewy admits that he, himself, was never able to stay at a “real” job for long – because of his love towards training and Jiu-Jitsu. As a matter of fact, he was all in with BJJ ever since he was an early adolescent. Which he’s now happy for, as he’s done well for himself through dedicating himself to the martial art.

In more ways than not, Chewy advises those who are genuinely in love with BJJ and who are good at teaching… To go all in. To give it their best shot, dedicate themselves to becoming the best coaches (and business people) they can be – and to then take the leap of faith. To try their hand at turning BJJ into a full-time career and to see what happens from there.
For, when you’re young, it’s much easier to fail and then recover than it is when you become older. You can always get another job, you can always try another thing… But the clock is ticking and waiting for no man.

Listen to more of Chewy’s thoughts on the video below:

Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.

Welcome to SLOTH Jiu-jitsu – the ultimate programme for conserving energy, utilising body weight and taking your time! An especially effective strategy for older or less athletic competitors, but suitable and highly recommended for all jiu-jitsu practitioners. 12 chapters taught in person by 3rd Degree BJJ Black Belt Gile Huni.