
When Will Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Finally Start “Clicking” For Me?

When Will Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Finally Start “Clicking” For Me?

You know how it is… You’ve been training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for more than a while, but are still wondering when it will start “clicking” for you. Still trying to figure out when it’ll start making sense.
Chasen Hill, a BJJ black belt and coach, shares when and how it happened for him.



Hill explains that the first time BJJ started clicking for him was when he was a white belt; when he got “hooked” to the Gentle Art. That was the point when he felt himself progressing a lot, for one simple reason: he was learning how to do things he has never done before. But, at around the 3-month training mark, he started to experience what every white belt does… That he was being beat left and right.

Then, the next point when things started clicking for Chasen was when he was a late blue and an early purple belt. That’s when he began feeling as if all the things he’s been learning are finally coming to fruition; that he is able to tie techniques together and use them against (most) resisting opponents with reasonable success.
But then again, the third “clicking point” for him happened at around a year after getting his black belt! It was then that he started focusing more on the techniques, moves, and principles that he didn’t pay attention to before.

Chasen Hill explains more and shares advice on the video below: