
What Should You Focus On as a BJJ White Belt?

What Should You Focus On as a BJJ White Belt?

So you’ve taken the first step and tied (or attempted to tie….don’t worry, we’ll help you learn) a white belt around your waist. The white belt phase of your journey is difficult to describe in any particular fashion, as it manifests in different ways. At this point it may be safe to assume that you know why you have chosen to start your Jiu-Jitsu education. Be it self defense, a fun activity, or to increase your overall athleticism, Jiu-Jitsu will provide.

For many, the introduction to Jiu-Jitsu is somewhat awkward. We are so used to keeping to ourselves and not physically engaging with our peers. Many of us are weaned from physical touch early in life, often when we’re on the school ground attempting to roughhouse. Decades later and study after study demonstrates the benefits of allowing children to play rough. It’s time you reclaim your birthright.

The first encounters on the mat (usually with experienced grapplers) may have you standing there wondering what it is that you are supposed to do. There is only one way to learn and that is to grab, push and pull.

2x absolute BJJ world champion Rodrigo ‘Comprido’ Medeiros talks about what BJJ white belts should expect, focus on and an important piece of advice for those who are starting to train: