
Travis Strevens Reveals His Bodyweight Program For Grappling

Travis Strevens Reveals His Bodyweight Program For Grappling

Travis Stevens is probably the hardest working judoka around…

Travis Stevens aka ‘The Judo Silencer’ is a judoka from the United States who in 2016 achieved a silver medal in the Rio Olympics. He is also a BJJ black belt under the legendary John Danaher.

Stevens has said that he trains up to 6 times a day!

Olympic Silver Medalist Travis Stevens’s Training Week: 6 Sessions/Day!

Stevens has been vocal in the past about his views on Crossfit. Check out this article “I’m an Olympian and I will Never Do Crossft” where he says exactly why he felt that it was a waste of time for him.

Stevens recently shared an interesting bodyweight exercise routine on his awesome website Fuji Fit, that he personally uses.

Stevens stated:

Strength training has been a key factor to my success in grappling. I have heard that some people feel that strength doesn’t matter and it’s purely technique and you don’t need it. I would highly disagree. I do know the difference from weight lifting for muscle building, endurance, and also recovery! All of which are considered weight lifting. Even during that last part of my career I spend 7 days a week in the gym for at least 1 hr. It’s important for just a healthy lifestyle. Thats why FUJI Fit exist. To show everyone all the different things I used to help me fight through three Olympic Games. Make sure you visit the website it’s completely free!! .

It consists of 3 circuits of :

Lunges – 5 each leg

Lateral Lunges – 5 each leg

90 degree lunges – 5 each leg

SLDL – 5 each leg

Push Ups – 10 reps

Straight Leg Situps – 10 reps

Straight leg raises – 5 each leg

Bear crawl – 10 steps

Squat to toe touch – 5 reps

Build Your Body For BJJ With This Physical Training Video Set And E-Book

  • Join Strength And Conditioning Coach Scott Georgaklis and Travis Stevens As They Show You All Of The Exercises And Activities You Can Use To Train Your Body
  • Heal Your Injuries, And Take Your Grappling To New Heights.



Lateral lunges:

90 degree lunges:


Push Ups:

Straight leg sit ups:

Straight leg raises:

Bear crawls:

Squat to toe touch: