
Travis Stevens Shares About Hidden FootWork For Judo

Travis Stevens Shares About Hidden FootWork For Judo


Travis Stevens is among those who have gotten their bjj black belt the fastest.

Travis Stevens (18 months)


Travis Stevens U.S.A Judo Olympian went through all the BJJ Belts under John Danaher in 18 Months! He was promoted in 2013. He Held the rank of Brown For a Year and competed at Copa Podio, BJJ expo tournament. White-Blue in weeks. Then blue-purple in a month then purple-brown in a few months!

Now Stevens is sharing more about what makes his stand up so deadly – and it’s all about the footwork.

According to Stevens’ fuji blog:

Make sure you take your time and move slowly when first learning thi

This is a timing exercise, so uke determines the speed


There are many different judo schools of thought but definitely one of the most interesting is the way they teach the judo flow in France.


And there’s even this short snippet that is very demonstrative of the type of coordination you need in order to assert your dominance in stand up.


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