
Top Plyometric Bodyweight Exercises for Combat Athletes

Top Plyometric Bodyweight Exercises for Combat Athletes

Plyometric training is one of the best ways to improve your cardio and explosiveness for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. An additional bonus to it is that you don’t need a lot of equipment to have a good workout in – but just a few basic things, if that!
And if there is one person you should listen to in regards to becoming a more explosive Jiujiteiro, than that’s coach Phil Daru. This time, he has prepared a great plyometric workout; one that will both leave you in a puddle of sweat and that won’t take a lot of your time.

Rolling Strong combines scientific exercises and routines specifically geared towards grappling.

Phil Daru is a performance coach for over 200 Elite Level Fighters in all aspects of combat sports.
Learn a comprehensive approach that covers everything from proper warmups to exercises designed to improve your guard!