
This Lapel Attack Works For Everyone – Even If You’re 50+ Years Old

This Lapel Attack Works For Everyone – Even If You’re 50+ Years Old

When you’re 20 or 30 years old, it seems that almost everything is possible in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; your techniques and athleticism are, more often than not, hindered by nothing more than the level of your training and fitness. However, as time progresses and you become older, you’ll have to learn to resort to the not-so-explosive moves… Which will still get you taps and sweeps.
For instance, the following lapel attack from Closed Guard works great for everyone, even if you’re 50+ years old. Professor Rich Sab demonstrates and explains.



What’s the first thing you need to do in order to attack an opponent from Closed Guard? That’s right; you have to break their posture. Do that in this case as well, and then get your collar grip in, in order to keep the posture broken down.
From here, you’ll grab the opponent’s lapel and feed it across their back and across the in-between area of their shoulder and elbow. Bump their arm (their elbow, specifically) across your centerline after you feed the lapel to your second hand. Keep your grip tight in this position, from which you’ll either go for a Collar Choke, an Armbar, a Lapel Choke, or even for a variation of a Pendulum Sweep.

Here’s how in much more detail, as explained by Professor Sab on the video below: