
The Best Ways to Build Strength for Optimal BJJ Moves

The Best Ways to Build Strength for Optimal BJJ Moves

Those that participate in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu don’t do it as a simple pastime, or exercise regime. Jiu-jitsu wrestlers have a passion and determination for the sport and an energy that keeps them in it for the long run.

This martial art, like most, is a unique art form and requires a certain skill set that you need to acquire. It is not a skill set you can pick up just anywhere, especially so if you really want to succeed in combat.

Whether you’re new to the sport, or getting that bit more established, it helps to do your research on Jiu-jitsu and train yourself specifically. This includes accumulating balance, grip, strength and endurance. Strength is especially important in this sport, and not just strength generally, but strength where you need it to beat your component.

We’ve come up with some ways in which you can build strength in the parts of your body that you use in BJJ.

Bulk Those Thighs

Your thighs take quite a beating in Jiu-jitsu. Your thighs are used to do a lot of the grappling, too. Thighs can pack a lot of strength and muscle, whilst being used in a variety of ways to tackle your opponent in BJJ. Whether it’s the mounted triangle move, kron choke or shoulder lock, you want ultimate clenching power.

Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your thighs, and these don’t require a gym membership either. Try doing these with a barbell to add extra weight. Try dumbbell lunges or a thigh machine. This is where you sit with legs bent and feet pressed to a board of weights, which you push yourself away from.

Add Mass to Your Chest

Your chest strength is an important one for Jiu-jitsu combat. A strong and well-built chest can act as leverage for your arms and the rest of your upper body. As BJJ requires a fair bit of force from the upper body to pin down opponents, you’re going to want to make sure you’ve got a good stock of mass there.

A chest with a substantial mass can not only provide you with a driving force, but one that will then be able to hold a position once obtaining it.

Give some old-school chest exercises for mass a go. You’ll thank yourself later. These kind of exercises are also optimized with a dumbbell, so get yourself some if you don’t already.

Try An Additional Sport

We understand if BJJ is your one and only true love, but if you want to be the best at your art, then signing up to another sport wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Of course, you’ve got to be wise about which sport you’re going to choose if you want optimal strength for Jiu-jitsu. Whilst, all sports, arguably, could make you stronger for it if it builds your stamina, strength and muscle, it’s vital to focus on the ones that will benefit you most.

Bouldering is a great one for building arm, leg and core strength. This activity makes you use muscles you didn’t even know you had, not too dissimilar from BJJ. If you keep to this enough, you will build a crazy amount of strength as it is a strenuous -but worthwhile – sport.

Pilates is also one worth checking out. Now, you might not be keen on this idea, but it too, works your muscles in a special kind of way. It helps with boosting balance and endurance. This type of exercise was initially created based on wrestling, boxing and gymnastics, which all collide with Jiu-jitsu and the kind of body movement you need for the sport.

Eat the Right Foods

It’s not just what you do to your muscles externally that aid with strength, but with what you do internally that can optimize it. Eat foods that are high in protein to help build and repair muscles.

Eggs are probably one of the top food you can eat for protein. Tuna, chicken breast, soy beans and Greek yogurt also make the cut. Why not find a combination of high protein foods that you can put together for the ultimate muscle-building meal?

Make sure you eat enough and don’t scrimp on calories as you need extra to build muscle in first place. Fats are beneficial to your body strength, too. Just make sure you eat the right fats in the right amount.