
The Battle Tested Escape to a Really Tight & Heavy Side Control

The Battle Tested Escape to a Really Tight & Heavy Side Control

Escaping the sidecontrol is one of the biggest challenges any beginner faces and it’s paramount to mastering bjj or even just saying you have rudimentary skills.

Coming out of side control is no joke, especially when heavily outweighed by your opponent.

This type of feat is one of the reasons why it was always tremendous fun to watch Gabi Garcia vs Mackenzie Dern.

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But how do you go about learning to escape a really tight sidecontrol?

Stephan Kesting gets this question every so often across different social media platforms. This is a universal problem.

There are different escapes but all of it is either low percentage or wishful thinking, to quote Kesting.

When someone heavier has you crossfaced from sidecontrol it’s a key to place your arms in a manner that will enable you to work a number of escape techniques.

Getting your arms into a proper position can take up the majority of time required to execute the escape.

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What do you do to get back to position from which you can escape? It’s important to note this isn’t an escape as much as something that will enable you to get on the right path.

Here’s one handy option:

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Here’s another handy starter option:

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For more you can check out the video below!

Get Out Of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s Worst Positions, Gi Or No-Gi, With Lachlan Giles’s Insights Into Escaping.
The 2019 ADCC Absolute Medalist Teaches How To Get Out Bad Grappling Positions With Narrated Live Rolling Of Him Performing The Techniques.