
Task Oriented Competitor or Ego Oriented Competitor?

Task Oriented Competitor or Ego Oriented Competitor?


Why do you compete? Is it because you enjoy the journey and for self development or is it because you want to be the best and really because of ego?

When an athlete sets a goal, it’s a great way to achieve their ideal performance. When you prepare for a competition and set goals, you will be more motivated in training, improve faster, eat better, and be more disciplined.
In sports, there are two types of goal setting athletes: task oriented and ego oriented.


Task oriented athletes are interested in improving and mastering their skill.

Task-oriented goals:

Putting in your maximum effort and doing your best
Self development
Enjoying the ride

Ego oriented athletes compare themselves with others and measure success by how many medals they have won instead how much skill they have developed. They want to impress others with their wins. They are extrinsically motivated.

Ego-oriented goals:

Innate ability
Being better than others
Impressing others

In this video, Adem Redzovic shares his thoughts about competing in Jiu-Jitsu. He talks about how one should compete if their intentions are good, and for self development.

On the other hand, if one’s intentions are for vanity reasons, then there are chances that disappointments will happen as a result of possible defeats.

Check out the video:

Task oriented vs Ego oriented martial artist: