
Surprise Your Training Partners With The Teepee Choke (From Triangle)

Surprise Your Training Partners With The Teepee Choke (From Triangle)

If you’re a tall person or you just have lanky legs… The Triangle Choke could be your submission of choice in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. However, the key word is could; for, even if you do catch opponents in it, if you can’t get the finishing details right – you’ll rarely ever get the tap.
So, if this has been a problem for you, here are a couple of details that will make the Triangle Choke work much more efficiently.

It probably happened you a thousand times – you set up a Triangle Choke, but the training partner defends by hiding their arm. And no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get this arm out.
Well, you don’t have to! You can go for the Teepee Choke instead; a very underrated submission that will catch your training partners by surprise.

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  • Azamat Hamzathanov (Azigarami) is BJJ purple belt with a massive social media following that’s helped thousands elevate their game through his daily techniques and unique guidance.