
So You’re A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt… Now What?

So You’re A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt… Now What?

You’ve just been promoted to the rank of a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu purple belt, haven’t you? Congratulations! That’s a big stepping stone towards not just the black belt, but also towards a lifetime of Jiu-Jitsu.
However, what are you supposed to do now? The purple belt isn’t exactly the easiest belt in the world… Here’s why and what you should aim for.



First of all, you’ve got to realize that the purple belt, generally speaking, is the longest belt in BJJ. That is to say: you’ll probably stay at this level for a bit longer than you’ve been a white or a blue belt.
The reason for this is that to reach your brown belt, you need to become really good. You’ve got to learn new techniques and transitions, but you also have to deal with the holes in your game. And this tends to take a long time; especially if you don’t keep training with the same consistency as before. Which is easy to do, as you can get easily discouraged by what seems to be a lack of progress.

For that reason, it’s vital that you keep training with the same frequency as you did before and (if possible) with the same passion. With the same focus and drive, as one day you will become a brown belt… But you’ll need to exercise patience a bit more this time.
Professor Ryan Young, from Kama Jiu-Jitsu, shares more tips on the video below: