
Shutting Down The Toreada Guard Pass with 3x BJJ World Champion Mikey Musumeci

Shutting Down The Toreada Guard Pass with 3x BJJ World Champion Mikey Musumeci

To understand how to play and defend a guard, we will introduce it in the following technical video.

We need to understand what a guard is at a basic level. Conceptually, the guard is just a set of frames and hooks that can fix or manipulate the opponent’s body. Defenders need legs to participate because legs increase the potential frame and hooks that a rear player can form for defense and offense.

Passing a guard involves removing the frame so you can move around your legs. In contrast, recovering a defender requires the baseline player to reestablish the frame with his legs.

With this understanding, let’s analyze the technique.

The Toreada/Toreando guard pass is probably the first guard pass that you learned when you started BJJ. It is the most common guard pass in BJJ and is also one of the most effective.

The pass is actually very complex and has many nuances to make it very effective and hard to counter.

In the video below, the great 3x BJJ world champion Mikey Musumeci teaches how to defend an unstable position, the Torreando guard pass, and switch to an effective guard or offensive position.

Learn From The Greatest American Jiu Jitsu Practitioner Of All Time.