
Ruotolo Brothers Reveal A “Surprise Attack” From Bottom Half Guard

Ruotolo Brothers Reveal A “Surprise Attack” From Bottom Half Guard

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This is a common method of playing guard used by a lot of elite level grapplers such Lucas Leite, Bernardo Faria, Tom DeBlass and others…

If you get an under hook from bottom half guard, it can easily lead to the demise of the top player. The under hook can be one of the most powerful and game changing aspects of the half guard. Both from bottom and top, in half guard, we are almost always fighting for the under hook.

But, what if you cannot get that underhook? Well, the overhook and whizzer is a great tool as well.

Just because you’re in bottom Half Guard doesn’t mean that all you’ve got to do is defend… As a matter of fact, you can go for an attack really quickly – by using the following setup from the Ruotolo Brothers!

It’s quite an unexpected attack. Here’s how to do it: