
Rookie Jiu-Jitsu Cop Intervenes for the Win

Rookie Jiu-Jitsu Cop Intervenes for the Win

Rookie Jiu-Jitsu Cop just got the chance to utilize all his bjj scene in an efficient skillful intervention. The man in question is Officer Jared Tipton (Kansas City PD) and he has less than a year on the job. With his jiu-jitsu training, he controlled the suspect with unprecedented composure.


Rener and Ryron Gracie were first to shine the spotlight on efficient way this police officer utilized bjj to apprehend an aggressive suspect.


Officer Jared Tipton (Kansas City PD) has less 1 year on the job, but with his jiu-jitsu training, he controlled the suspect with unprecedented composure.


Previously in December according to reports Officer Jared Tipton used a bean bag shotgun when an non responding suspect wouldn’t drop his weapons.


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