
Robert Degle Shares 3 Things You Need To Heel Hook Someone

Robert Degle Shares 3 Things You Need To Heel Hook Someone

Ah, the way of the Heel Hook… There are so many variations to it out there and, if you learn a reasonable number of them, you’re sure to become a well-respected training partner and opponent.

However, you first have to get the basics right. Here are the 3 main things you need to Heel Hook someone, as shared by Robert Degle:

Heel hooking is a lot like grocery shopping.

There are 3 main things you need to heel hook someone: heel exposure (i.e. a grip on the heel such as what you can see here), your legs above his knee line and the ability to use your legs to create force going into his upper leg (to work in contrast to the force you’ll apply to his lower leg through his heel).

However, you don’t necessarily have to achieve all 3 of these things in order. Degle explains further:

[These things] should be seen as less of a series of steps and more like a checklist.

When I head to the grocery store I might want to buy a carton of milk, some cereal, and bowl but the order in which I find these things in the store won’t matter to the final result: eating a bowl of cereal the next morning.