One of Grandmaster Helio Gracie’s favorite throws was Hane-Goshi, which being translated from the Japanese roughly means “Hip-Spring.” This classic takedown is one of the core throws found in the judo / jiu-jitsu throwing syllabus.
This video from the 80’s shows Helio Gracie on the Brazilian TV show“Os Trapalhões”.
Have you ever seen or practiced Hane-Goshi? In the video attached to this article, Nik and Si Collier show you the standard version of Hane-Goshi, then they show you two interesting ways to use Hane-Goshi to counter an opponent who attempts to throw you with O-soto-gari (reap out your support leg) and / or De-ashi-harai (sweep out your forward leg). Finally, Nik and Si show you several other interesting ways to throw your opponent, so watch the video and tell us what your favorite takedown is for Brazilian jiu-jitsu! Have fun training and stay safe!
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