
No BJJ Schools Nearby? Here is How You Can Still Train

No BJJ Schools Nearby? Here is How You Can Still Train

So, you’ve decided to enter the “ossome” realm of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu… After reading
countless articles about how BJJ positively impacts the mind by improving confidence, relieving
stress and promoting concentration, not to mention the physical benefits of added muscle
endurance and flexibility, you are probably scrambling to find a school to begin training. What
do you do when you punch in “Jiu Jitsu training nearby” in Google and there are no results —
your dreams shattered in a million pieces! Well, pick them off the floor, go out and buy some
inexpensive mats and get a couple of your neighborhood “bros” together and hit “refresh” on
your computer. We are here to make the impossible possible, helping you to master the art and
discipline of Jiu Jitsu in the following ways:

Alternative 1: The Art of Self Teaching

Fifty years ago, libraries were our only source for research, although you’d probably have to
spend hours sifting through dense BJJ manuals and be possessed of a graphic imagination for
visualizing techniques. That’s if a how-to book even existed… Luckily, there are now
instructional YouTube videos, iPhone applications, and membership sites that help you master
the basics. Now, there is no reason that BJJ beginners can’t learn the martial art with a modest
investment in puzzle mats and a group of like-minded partners willing to be bent like pretzels in
your living room. Remember: As long as you are surrounded by one person with the same goal
in mind, you can make anything happen, as long as you don’t throw them on the glass dining

Alternative 2: Try a Similar Martial Arts Program

Another great option is joining a school that offers other forms of Martial Arts such as Judo, or
Wrestling. Judo and BJJ are both considered a “grappling” sport. They focus on close-range
combat using pinning and submission techniques. While Judo is mainly performed from a
standing position with only a 15-second span of time on the mat, BJJ is almost entirely fought on
the mat. Wrestling is another great option for covering the basic groundwork of Martial Arts.
Although you will not be passing guards, or learning many submission techniques, you will
finesse certain aspects of grappling. In addition, staying a little later after training or coming in
earlier, will allow you to practice some of your BJJ techniques on your teacher or fellow

Alternative 3: Take a BJJ Vacation

If you’ve decided to set up a couple of mats in the comfort of your garage, or join another
Martial Arts group, it is essential to perfect your technique at an accredited BJJ academy. Flying
out for a week, or driving a few hours to the nearest school every couple of months, will help
you gain great insight from professionals in the higher belt ranges. In other words, getting your
ass kicked for a week will really help you understand what you’re doing, and what you’re
missing! Your knowledge can be passed on to your peers back home as well. If you only test
your skills with other white belts, you will not advance. You should be creating a game that tests
and calibrates your skills. The feel of real pressure by someone who is at least two steps ahead of
you, is essential for practising tricks, setting and achieving new goals, and challenging your body
and mind.
OSS! See you on the mat.