
Never Make This Mistake When Playing Guard in BJJ

Never Make This Mistake When Playing Guard in BJJ

Starting a demanding sport like Brazilian jiu-jitsu is very difficult. Regardless of talent, most of us have been guilty of making some of these mistakes, some even repeatedly!

This is why BJJ black belt Aaron Benzrihem covers the most common mistake that you must avoid, when playing guard:

Letting them control your feet and legs

Dominant Grips are not pseudo science, if you can hand fight for grip priority you will enable yourself to escape from many bad positions before they are even set up. Don’t just let the opponent do what they want and grab your feet or legs. Always fight to assert your dominance.

Aaron says you should always pummel your legs, and prevent them from gripping.

Check out how Aaron doest this:

Lachlan Giles and Ariel Tabak show you a total technical gameplan for keeping your guard against any over or around-style of pass.

  • Defend torreandos, stack passes, leg drags, and more with tips on how to keep the guard, improve position, and get back on attack.
  • ADCC Absolute medalist Lachlan Giles teams up with his guard retention specialist and black belt Ariel Tabak for this 8-part instructional release.