Did you know that there’s a really cool Armbar setup you can go for when passing the opponent’s guard with a Knee Slice?
Yup! It’s one of Mica Galvao‘s favorite submission setups. Here’s how to do it, as demonstrated by Mica himself.
Mica Galvao is one of the fastest-rising stars of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He’s already defeated a number of elite champions, such as Leandro Lo and Lucas “Hulk” Barbosa, despite being just 19 years old.
Of course, there have been many sacrifices on that road to success. In fact, it was Mica’s dad who pushed him in the beginning – even dropping him out of school when he was 13.
Learn High Percentage Arm Locks With Young Black Belt Champion Micael Galvão’s 4-Part Must-Have Instructional On Submission Attacks Above The Waist!
- Micael Galvão is one of the most exciting prospects in the sport of Jiu-Jitsu, earning high level victories against notable black belts before turning 18!
- Utilize a diverse arsenal of arm attacks including kimuras, arm bars, mir locks, and more.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.