If you want to become successful in anything you do – be it Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or just about anything else in life – then you’ve got to put everything into it. Absolutely everything.
Don’t take it from us, but rather listen to what the legendary Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida has to say about the power of discipline:
I think that discipline is the key for anything in life. Not just in this sport, but anything in life.
If you don’t give yourself, like, 100% of yourself in anything that you do… You’re not going to get the results that you’re expecting.So, I think that everything starts with this discipline. Since when you wake up, when you open up your eyes… On the bed, when you go to sleep…
So, [in] everything you have to have discipline. And it’s going to reflect at the end of the day, in your results. So, I think that’s the key.
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With that said, Buchecha has got his discipline aimed towards growing his (already successful) MMA career at ONE Championship. That’s probably one of the reasons why he hasn’t competed at the previous weekend’s ADCC:
When I started to train Jiu-Jitsu I was a little kid who always dreamed about competing ADCC; and of course winning this title.
In 2013 I got an invitation to compete for the first time and I ended winning it and in 2019 I got the gold again.
This time I will be [have been] only watching but I am really happy with my journey overall, I fought 3 editions, and got 6 medals for my collection!
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Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.