
Make Yourself Cheap BJJ Mats for $20

Make Yourself Cheap BJJ Mats for $20

With many BJJ academies closed worldwide, BJJ practitioners are left with very little options in order to get their BJJ fix.

Some resort to solo drilling at home:

4 Solo BJJ Drills To Train During The Lockdown Period

Some got themselves a grappling dummy:

How to build yourself a Grappling dummy in 5 minutes

A great and cheap option is to make yourself some cheap BJJ mats and train outdoors. All you need is a park (grass field), a vinyl tarp and tent pegs. That’s it.

BJJ black belt Stephan Kesting says that it will only cost you $20 or even less in some countries. The surface will probably be a bit too hard for training takedowns but for groundwork, it’s perfect.