
Leverage The Internet! Accomplish your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Goals

Leverage The Internet! Accomplish your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Goals

Where do you want Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to take you in life?  We all have our own reasons for why we started out—or are at least thinking about starting—in the wonderful world of BJJ.  Like anything else, it differs from person to person, however, in the end we all partake in something that has touched our lives. In the information age, it seems as if every day there is something new popping up, be it a new device, app or technology in general. Look past the days of it being viewed as a “fad”, the internet is something that continues to grow, and for any grappler out there, this is a great thing! The internet can be used to help reach your BJJ goals if you know how to properly use it. A great way to use it properly is through a legitimate online training website such as BJJ Fanatics.


Defining What Your Goals In Grappling Are

Before you take on such a wide, in-depth search engine such as the internet to help you in your quest to conquer whatever it is you have in mind, you must first know what your goals in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are! For instance, it’s quite common to see someone get into the sport because they want to try something new and challenge themselves.  Quite often you get a wrestler, a boxer, a football player, or another type of athlete looking to push them, so they give BJJ a shot. Commonly, you see someone who wants to switch up their workout regimen, so they use BJJ as a new avenue to reach their weight loss goals.  Lastly, you could be someone looking to compete and start a life in the sport. Even if it’s a little of this and a little of that, it’s important to know where you want to take your grappling experience.  Leaving it open ended when you begin using the internet as a resource can lead you down a long path with no ultimate destination. Once you know your ultimate goals, you can their tailor the specific search engines and resources to fit your needs, which allows for a much more fulfilling experience.

Accessing Various Tools For Success

The wonderful thing about the internet is all of the possibilities that it offers for grapplers worldwide.  After you have decided what you want to focus in on, you can then go about executing a gameplan. Some common tools to use would be Google or YouTube.  Personally, YouTube is one of the best resources to have.  Simply search the name of a move or grappler, and there it is, hours of video to study.

Likewise, it’s also very common to see high ranking competitors release products that target your specific needs.  From strength and conditioning programs to learning a specific skill, if you look hard enough, you’ll realize that there is plenty of information waiting to be found! The World Wide Web can be a daunting tool to use for development and progression.  While it’s all too easy to kill time with it, if you understand how to properly leverage it to your advantage, then in no time flat you’ll be honing certain skills and will be progressing rapidly towards your grappling goals!

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