Photo: Leon Sandoval, Instagram @heyleonmedia and
Learning to throw without the gi is important for competition, as well as for self-defense.
Like anything of value, it takes time, study, and practice. Consistent drilling is always an essential aspect when it comes to mastering any jiu-jitsu skill. When it comes to takedowns, many of us are familiar with the pummel drill from the over-under clinch position. This is a great drill for developing fluidity and conditioning. When you are comfortable with this drill, you can begin to learn a variety of different throws while pummeling for position.
Lots of people practice the standard pummel drill, but here you will see a drill which teaches how to counter throw when an opponent attempts to dig an underhook. We will use the standard over-under pummel drill to set up this extremely effective counter throwing principle.
In the attached video, Nik and Si Collier demonstrate a multiplicity of different throws from this basic pummel drill.
Check it out!
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.