In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it’s often the simplest of solutions that work best. The fancy techniques with a hundred required moves… They have their place in Arte Suave. But if you haven’t been training for more than a few years, you’ll probably be much better off by sticking to the simple things and doing them as perfectly as possible; at least for now.
For example, it’s really easy to pull guard and then Balloon Sweep your opponent. Don’t believe us? Then believe the 5x BJJ world champion, Gezary Matuda!
To initiate the Balloon Sweep, you first need to pull guard properly. Pay attention to how Matuda does it: she doesn’t just sit back. Rather, she establishes solid grips and then posts her leg against the training partner’s hip. This is the way that pulling guard should be done, not the other way around.
Then, she squares up with her training partner’s hips by using her free leg to “swing” into position. From there, she explains that your goal will be to slide your hips underneath your partner’s. By doing so, you’ll have an easy time elevating them by extending your legs.
In order to get the sweep, you just need to pull the training partner’s sleeve on the side you want to sweep him on. Watch the video below to see how to do it:
5 Time World Champ Gezary Matuda Shares Her Systematic Approach To Effectively Utilizing The Open Guard With Her Signature Ge Guard!
- Gezary teaches the same setups and strategies that helped her earn 5 world championship titles!
- Safely pull into guard and go on the attack with slick sweeps, and secure submissions!
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.