
Kyra Gracie has a Wicked Armpit Armlock Set Up From Mount

Kyra Gracie has a Wicked Armpit Armlock Set Up From Mount

Very often, when you attempt one submission and it doesn’t work, you lose position and end up in an disadvantageous position. Guillotines come to mid:

Setting Up The Guillotine Without Losing Position & Compromising Yourself

In order not to lose position, it’s always good to have a trick up your sleeve, and attack with combinations.

3x ADCC world champion Kyra Gracie , is a specialist in such submissions and fortunately for us she presents her signature combination from the mount position: No Gi Ezekiel to armpit arm lock.

This is a brilliant attack chain since it relies on the opponent defending and you taking advantage of the arm in front to set up the armpit armlock.