
Keenan Cornelius Speaks On Crossing Your Feet During Armbars

Keenan Cornelius Speaks On Crossing Your Feet During Armbars

One of the most common and most controversial questions of BJJ history is whether crossing your feet when doing an armbar is right or wrong. The answer is not black or white.

This question is a bit like asking whether a certain grip for an achilles lock is better than the other. Each one has its plusses and minusses and in the specific circumstance, one might be better than the other.

Do you cross your feet when looking for the Armbar? Crossing the feet during the Armbar is commonly frowned upon in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as, when starting out, many instructors will scream at you tell NOT to cross your feet. Ronda Rousey and Keenan Cornelius disagree.

Keeenan Cornelius explains his point of view: