
JT Torres Remembers The Difficult Beginnings: “I Didn’t Come From Money”

JT Torres Remembers The Difficult Beginnings: “I Didn’t Come From Money”

Success takes a lot of sacrifice. Lots of time, overcoming of obstacles, and – more than anything else – perseverance.

JT Torres knows that well. His own beginnings were difficult and he had to accomplish everything with “his own ten fingers”.
Nothing was given, everything was earned.

Here’s a part of his story, as shared in a recent social media post:

When I was 15 years old, I set my mind on earning my black belt, becoming World Champion and opening my own academy.
I’m very grateful to have accomplished all three goals that I set for myself years ago but they didn’t come easy.

When I set out in my journey I didn’t have many available resources but I did everything I could to improve with what I had.

I’m a PuertoRican kid born and raised in NY, didn’t come from money, and my parents split when I was young, some of my close friends growing up have passed away and some even addicts.

Torres used whatever he could get his hands on, however, and made sure he took advantage of all opportunities:

I remember I would go to Barnes and nobles and study the few MMA magazines and jiujitsu books they had, I would study these weird Obscure MMA, judo & aikido VHS tapes, my dad and I would drive hours just to train with other like minded individuals (which usually meant one or two other purple,brown or black belts), we would drive hours to compete because there very few tournaments back then.

I mean my first instructor was a blue belt! I didn’t get to train “full time” till after I got my black belt!

He worked all kinds of side jobs, so that he could make his way in the world of grappling:

I worked at an ice cream shop, I worked at McDonald’s, I worked at a hospital as a transport and which ever side gig I could find to financially help me along the way, there was no sponsors for me coming up through the ranks.

It wasn’t EASY to get to where I am today. But I NEVER gave up and I ALWAYS GAVE 100 PERCENT EFFORT!

Impose Your Top Game On Anyone With These Grappling Fundamentals.

  • Sharpen your top game with these gold medal no gi fundamentals from 2-time ADCC Champion JT Torres.
  • Pass all of no gi grappling’s most difficult and common guards with these techniques that has turned JT Torres into a guard passing machine.

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