
Josh Hinger: “Belt Ranks, Degrees, And Competition Wins Don’t Accurately Measure BJJ Success”

Josh Hinger: “Belt Ranks, Degrees, And Competition Wins Don’t Accurately Measure BJJ Success”

Josh Hinger is one of the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes today… And he has recently received yet another acknowledgement for his successes – a promotion to the rank of a 3rd degree black belt!

However, to Hinger, the promotion isn’t as important as the friendships he made over the years:

Dedicating my life to jiu-jitsu is easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. It’s given me so much more than I could have ever imagined.

Caio Terra said it best a few years ago when he explained that the relationships you build through jiu-jitsu are far more valuable than any medal, accolade, or world title. And he was absolutely correct.
Jiu-jitsu is simply a medium by which we can improve and enrich our lives through the relationships we built on the mats.

In other words, “technical credibility” isn’t everything in BJJ:

Belt ranks, degrees, and competition wins don’t accurately measure jiu-jitsu success. Instead it’s what you do with your jiu-jitsu that defines your success.

How many people you’ve inspired, how many lives you’ve changed for the better, and how many life skills have been reinforced through jiu-jitsu practice.
Belt ranks and competition wins give us technical credibility, but it’s what we do with that credibility that really matters.


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