Takedowns are a must if you want to dictate the pace of a match. Joe Rogan said that fighters with strong takedown games can push the pace better because the takedown threat is always looming.
This is also the case in grappling competitions. Grapplers with strong takedowns are very difficult to deal with. This is why high-level wrestlers and Judokas are generally not allowed to compete in white belt competitions. They may not have advanced knowledge of Jiu-Jitsu, but their experience training other forms of grappling puts them a tier above total newbies.
If you shot for a Single Leg and your training partner starts sprawling on you… What are you supposed to do?
Well, one of the options is the Cutback. Here’s how to execute it, as demonstrated by John Danaher:
Explore The Ultimate Guide to Wrestling for the Jiu-Jitsu Beginner with ATOS Wrestling Coach Fred Leavy.
- Fred Leavy is a black belt and respected instructor with the legendary ATOS Team.
- Explore an entire grappling system designed for the beginner jiu-jitsu athlete that’s new to wrestling.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.