
Joe Rogan’s Advice for Young People: “Find The Thing You Like”

Joe Rogan’s Advice for Young People: “Find The Thing You Like”

It’s easy for young people to get confused about what to do in life, especially in today’s day and age… And it’s not impossible for them to get lost in the mist, to become sad and anxious about the hands life has dealt them.
Maybe you’re one of them. But, as long as you pursue an activity that you genuinely enjoy and want to improve in, you’ll overcome your insecurities and life’s problems.

Joe Rogan said that this was the key to him overcoming his own anxieties. He shared his lessons for young people, on the Lex Fridman podcast:

Find the thing you like. Try to find the thing that you really enjoy, that you are passionate about.

For me, early on, it was illustrations, it was drawing comic books. I wanted to become a comic book illustrator. And then, it went from comic book drawing and illustrations to martial arts.
And that [martial arts] was the vehicle out of my dilemma. That was my vehicle out of own anxiety, trauma, out of my own issues and insecurities.

Becoming good at something will help you gain self-confidence:

Find something. Find a thing that you genuinely enjoy, because getting good at things you genuinely enjoy is extremely beneficial for young people. Because… Every young person thinks that they’re a loser. Or at least every young person that was in the situation I was at.
And I didn’t know that I wasn’t a loser until I started winning. Until I started doing martial arts; martial arts taught me that I could, like, get better at stuff.

You can channel all that energy that you have as a young person into something and get better at it.

Joe explained that even his parents didn’t want to let him do martial arts. That they didn’t want to let him fight, nor do stand up comedy – even though these are the things that made Joe into who he is today:

You have to understand who you are and then, in the face of other people’s either criticism, lack of faith in your ability… You push through.
And then you kind of realize that you can apply this to other things in life. You can apply that to critics, to social media commentators, to a lot of things.