
Joe Rogan On The Innovations of Eddie Bravo & 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu

Joe Rogan On The Innovations of Eddie Bravo & 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu

If you train BJJ, you have for sure heard of 10th planet Jiu-Jitsu.

How different is it to regular Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Lets examine some of the differences. Number one they use no gi. The style focuses on not being a slave to the cloth. It makes a lot of sense because most of the time, fights do not have a lapel or thick ass collar to pull off a gi choke. That forces the practitioners to rely on arm wrapping, under hooking and different styles of leg entanglements to control the opponent.

Secondly, there is a strong focus on posture control. If your posture is compromised, then being able to hit hard on the ground is compromised, which is a very good thing when you find yourself in a fight or an MMA match. Thirdly, 10th planet teaches in a way that really focuses on combinations and flows where the techniques just go together in a 3-6 move series. Like a boxer, the combination work really gives the fighter the ability to train in a more reality based flow then just straight single attacks. And lastly, the technique innovation is just next level.

Using non traditional BJJ techniques and creating systems out of them have not only made the style effective and out of the box, but very unpredictable for the traditional BJJ student to recognize and defend against. Examples go beyond rubber guard to the truck positon, twister control and lockdown.

Joe Rogan recently had an interesting guest on his podcast, Yogi Rughanath Cappo, who is an old student of Bravo. Cappo has stopped training but he got to the rank of purple belt. Cappo actually started training with Renzo Gracie in New York in the late 90’s.

Rogan and Cappo reminisce about the old days and the innovations that Bravo brought in over the years .

Learn the foundations of the 10th Planet System from two Eddie Bravo black belts.
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