Jocko Willink , the navy seal legend and BJJ black belt, was teaching archery champion John Dudley BJJ at his academy, when Dudley asked him if they could roll…
Now as we all know, Jocko is a mountain of a man and is not really known as being gentle…
No Such Thing as “Light Roll” w/ Navy Seal Legend & BJJ Black Belt Jocko Willink
So Jocko explains that Dudley basically went at him full force, and Jock was just taking it easy. He applied a No Gi ezekiel choke on him and Dudley panicked and basically put even more pressure on the choke resulting in a throat injury. Jocko had fractured Dudley’s hyoid…
The hyoid is typically fractured when someone strangles you with both hands around the neck and puts weight on or forcefully presses on that area. AKA the Frankenstein Choke.
Jocko talks about what happened in this video with Joe Rogan:
In this video, Jocko shows the set up to that same No Gi Ezekiel choke, and there are some great details that make it so much more powerful: