
How to Perform Grappler Pull-ups

How to Perform Grappler Pull-ups

I first saw lacrosse ball pull ups being performed by BJ Penn while he was preparing for one of his fights coming up. To perform this exercise, you basically grip two lacrosse balls and place it over a pull up bar and perform pull up sin this position. This is a great way to challenge your grip in a different fashion. You will notice how much these pull ups get your fore arms involved during the pull ups.

Pull-up Modifications:

Change the Grip – wide, narrow, alternated, one arm

Change the Grip Again – towels, thick ropes, two fingers, three fingers, gloves, Rolling Thunder

Overloaded – dip belt, med ball, sandbag, dumbbell, kettlebell, chains

Change the Movement – side-to-side, slow negatives, isometric holds, explosive