
How to Improve Your Mental Fitness By Doing Escape Rooms

How to Improve Your Mental Fitness By Doing Escape Rooms

There are many different benefits of doing escape rooms. If you want to learn how to improve your mental fitness, check out these tips.

Did you know that there are around 2,300 escape rooms in the United States? The activity is growing into one of America’s favorite past-times. 

Are you looking for ways to improve your mental fitness? Not to worry! In this guide, we’ll go over the health benefits of trying out escape rooms.

Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out.

Improves Memory

You may have noticed that as you get older, your memory’s affected. Do you start to search for words or have difficulty with your short-term memory?

Working through challenges or puzzles can boost your memory retention and recall. You will get to interact with language, codes, or symbols in a new way.

Some escape rooms will force you to focus on memorizing certain information. You will need to recall the details later. The practice of these challenges will help you with your memory.

Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills refer to movements like running, jumping, or walking. You will use the large muscles in your legs, arms, and torso. Heading to an escape room is a great way to test our gross motor skills in a new environment.

Physical Exercise

Thirty minutes of exercise a day is what the experts recommend. Exercise can improve your mood, helping you feel less anxious, and combat depression. Exercise has also show to help boost memory retention. 

Instead of heading to the gym, go to an escape room instead. You will be moving around for up to an hour in this moderate-level activity.

Fine Motor Skills

Working through puzzles can help support the development of your fine motor skills. This involves your spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination.

Over the years, our perception and understanding of the world around us will evolve. In a three-dimensional world like an escape room, you can work through a puzzle in a tactile manner.

Improves Communication

When we are in a high-pressure situation, we must talk to our friends or teammates to find a solution. Nowadays, we communicate through text or emails more than talking one on one.

Heading to an escape room is a great way to reconnect and talk with your friends while solving the puzzle.

Solving Puzzles and Mental Fitness

Did you know that when you solve a puzzle, the brain releases dopamine? This will give you a feeling of gratification. Dopamine can help with concentration, memory, and help with your mood.

After solving one puzzle, you might feel motivated to check out another escape room.

Gain New Knowledge

When we head into an escape room, we are in a new environment peppered with challenges and hints. We have to gather information and use it to get to the next stage.

As we work through the steps in an escape room, we are using new knowledge in a critical manner. Head out to an Escape Room with your friends or family for a fun night.

Want to Learn More?

We hope you found this guide on improving mental fitness was helpful. Go to an escape room on the weekend to boost your memory and get some exercise.

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