
Heckler Gets Dealt With Worth At Capoeira Demonstration

Heckler Gets Dealt With Worth At Capoeira Demonstration



Any time a performer or artist (of any kind) exposes themselves to mass audiences – he or she risks vulnerability, sometimes in quite unfriendly environments. This is one of the reasons many decline any sort of mass exposure.

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This Brazil set video might give you the right idea as to what one can expect in a group situation.

The video attached below depicts many spectators observing a Capoeira demonstration put on by a local school. The demonstration is showing a glimpse at the rich history and heritage of martial arts with this drum circle set rhythmic spectacle.

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All seems to be going well, but just outside of the gaze of camera is a heckler provoking a reaction from the performers.

And well, like most challengers – he’s in for quite a surprise at the event once and all hell breaks loose.

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